Wherever You Go

New chapter of Rilla-my-Rilla is up. I don't know how I found time to write it, but I did, just a short one. Let me know what you think!
3 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    This was supposed to be a happier chapter, wasn't it? You're leaving me all torn up inside - probably not very different from the way Rilla is feeling - as I await your next chapter. Take your time writing it, but I'm still waiting for the happy chapter, LOL.

  2. Unknown Says:

    LOL. I guess that I'll have to let it slide this time.

  3. Unknown Says:

    I just have to let you know this. Today, as I was sitting in Friday evening traffic, trying to get home, I couldn't stop wondering what's going to happen to Ken and Rilla.

    Of all the things going on in the world - country - my part of the country right now, I was wondering, almost worried, what would happen to Rilla and Ken!