The Most Sincere Form of Flattery

Here's a new question to ponder: A great many of our ff's have similar storylines, names, and incidences, therefore our ff's often mirror each other. Do you think that imitation is the most sincere form or flattery, or does it somewhat irk you when you believe someone is just copying or trying to redo your ff?
1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    That's pretty much how I feel as well. This was, as most of my questions are, just something that has popped into my head. We can't really help if some things seems the same in our ff's because we are using most of the same characters, and if we want to be faithful to those characters, there will be similarities. It's true, we couldn't have copied each other becuse you started yours long before I did mine, and I didn't discover the LMM ff's until sometime during the first half of last year. The only thing I think I would dislike is outright plagerism.