Missed FF's

I was pondering things the way I often do, and wanted to say that I've missed not seeing any updates from several ff's lately. I would love to see another chapter of the following fanfictions. Of course, I understand that time and inspiration have to be available, but I just want you to know that I still look for these works though they're in no special order.

Another Day Without You

Una of Redmond (I know Una Meredith's plate is full this summer, and that I think she's in Mexico, but I still like it and have to say I miss it.)

The Minister's Daughter

Wind, Sand, and Stars

Child of Idlewild

Anne of the Glen

Back to Green Gables

Keeping the Faith
Those are just the ones off the top of my head. Like I said before, I'm not trying to bug anyone, just saying I like these and hope that someday they'll be updated.
2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    LOL! Oh those guys can really distract us, huh? Of course, they can also inspire us as well. Good luck with all your endeavors, Una Meredith. We'll keep patient here.

  2. lovejag Says:

    Thank you Adrienne, I'm glad to know someone is missing the story. Updates will have to wait since I'm going to be on vacation starting tomorrow morning and will be gone until July 3rd. I'm planning though to bring a notebook and write down scenes so I can type them up when I get home.

    I'll stop in once in awhile to say hi since this isn't a sightseeing vacation and will have internet access once in awhile at my brother's home.