Response to Ruby(Connie)'s Review

I love Angharad--she is perfect for Johnny. I'd like to hear how they fell in love, if you can manage it. I bet there is a good story there, and she would have to be special to win reserved John Blythe's heart!
 I haven't been able to fit Johnny and Angharad's love story into this tale, but I will try, when I get around to writing the collection of family vignettes, to work their history into it. Johnny is one of my favourite characters, so it made me very happy to give him such a nice conclusion to his troubled youth!
2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    I would definitely love to know more about Johnny. He's an interesting character and lived a separate life.

  2. Cath Says:

    I just so much admire you for having Johnny not quite fit makes sense that one of the children wouldn't. Look at poor Shirley, always left out, and always described as "practical" and "serious" and never "imaginative" or "dreamy!"

    I am glad you have something else planned for this clan. Or else I'd be too sad to read anymore of the story! I wouldn't want it to end!!