Seasonal Plans

I was wondering if anyone has special plans for the Christmas Holiday? Do you have any special traditions or plans? Have you started making New Year's resolutions yet? Eveyone have a Merry Christmas.
4 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Wwll, my resolution was to work on my own fiction some. I've started doing that and posting it at fictionpress.

    As for plans, we're going to unpack and arrange and such through Thursday. Then we'll head down to my mom's. We'll stay with her until Sunday morning and then go to Bart's parents'. Thankfully, they're not far apart or to far from us anymore.

    Oh, yeah... Today is our second wedding anniversary, so we'll probably go out tonight. :)

  2. Unknown Says:

    Congradulations! I will say that there's never enough time to plan a wedding. I hope everything goes the way you want it to.

  3. lovejag Says:

    We always spend Christmas Eve at my grandmother's house. This year will be great since all my nephews will be there. This is the youngest nephew's first chance to see snow and know what really cold is(Arizona nights aren't as cold as here in Minnesota.)

    My New Year's Resolution is to make a quick recovery from surgery, and hopefully a great health recovery in general thanks to the surgery. Here's hoping that it will lessen the pain so I can write as often as I want, and not when I finally can.

  4. Unknown Says:

    I hope you make a quick recovery from your surgery too. May the next year bring you good health all around.