I'm hard at work on two new chapters of Rilla-My-Rilla -- I sent the first off to Ingrid, my beta-reader, and as soon as she gets back to me I'll update.

Sorry about the long hiatus -- I was getting ready for a wedding.
2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Oh yes, I'll be glad when wedding season is over. Bart's in one this weekend and another one in two weeks, so we have to go. Well, actually I don't really have to go to the one this week since Arlene was invited instead of Adrienne.

  2. Unknown Says:

    I'm used to people getting my name wrong, not that I like it any more. This wasn't the groom or bride's fault, the bride's mother made out the invitation. However, neither the bride nor the groom is what I would call mature, and we don't expect a lot out of them anyway. The groom is one of my husband's oldest friends, though they're not really close any more. I don't want to mention how he acted at our wedding. Oh well, I get to visit with my in-laws and maybe see my mom some since we're traveling that direction.