Hurt feelings ...

I usually don't get bent out of shape over reviews, especially ones that are helpful (Una had blue eyes or "Nan did this in RV" etc). But this one hurt my feelings a LOT:

From: rillasucks( )

too much like rilla of ingleside. that suppopse line is almost entirely copied outta the book. so is teh idea of finding a baby. this story is so pointless.

write something original.

Wow...just wow. Anyone who'd write something like this to someone else is definitely not a kindred spirit.

How do you guys cope with bad reviews?
4 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Okay, I just got home, checked my email, and WOW! First of all, I totally sympathize with you and your feelings. For those of us who really care about whar we write, it's like our baby. Making a comment like that is as bad as telling a proud mother her baby is ugly. This person obviously hasn't read any of my stuff, because I directly copied paragraphs and sentences here and there to connect it to the original works.

    If your ff was pointless, I wouldn't bother reading it, loving it, promoting it etc. You are a great writer. Don't let this obviously less than smart person bother you.

    I say that, but I don't like it either. I haven't had a review so bad that I've had to turn them in, but I would. My policy is usually to practice the Golden Rule: Do to others as you would have done to you. If I don't like a ff, I don't leave a review.

    Also, this person is obviously not a Rilla-fan, so why did he/she read your ff to begin with? Are they THAT pathetic? You're right, not a kindred spirit, more of a Pye.

    My last rant (this has obviously upset me) is about the original comment again. These are FANFICTIONS. They are based on someone else's work. It CAN'T be completley original. There are many, many bad ff's out in this world. Our friends here do now contribute to the bad ones. I haven't read a bad ff from any of us. It's not just because I'm being prejudiced, but most of my favorite authors are members of this blog, even if I haven't remembered to add them to my favorites. Ruby, you are one of the best, don't forget that.

  2. lovejag Says:

    I agree with everyone else, and from somebody that has been flamed for stories I wrote the best thing to do is just reread all the positive ones to remind yourself that there are people that love it.

    Keep writing for them, because they'll always stick with you. The flamer will just get tired of trying to scare you off.

  3. Unknown Says:

    I agree with DylanLee, update soon and show this flamer that you're not intimidated. Besides, I too can't wait for the next chapter.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I really agree with everything everyone has said- this person most definately NOT of the race that knows Joseph. When I first read that, I thought it was really cool that it was the same thought process Rilla had in RoI- it shows sort of a consistancy in her character. After all, if she had a thought once, doesn't it make sense that she would have a similar thought at a later time in a similar situation? But perhaps this unkindred thinks that having the same thought twice is unoriginal. I think this reviewer needs to remember the old saying: "if you can't find something nice to say, keep your trap shut." I may have paraphrased that a little. Keep writing!